Catalog#: [os043]
Country: Austria
Genre, Style: Downtempo, Experimental
Release Date: 26 May 2005


Night Night is the lap-pop alias for Dana Gumbiner, singer and songwriter with the California-based Deathray. Night Night’s music is a somewhat blurry amalgamation of Speak N Spell affirmations over warbled tone poems, stuttered rhythms and heartfelt clicks and beeps. With Night Night, Dana is trying to create an atmosphere of pleasant fuzziness, something corresponding to a short flight on an airplane, or maybe your first glass of wine.

He is inspired by the music and work of Brian Eno, Kraftwerk, Erik Satie, John Carpenter, To Rococo Rot, Lullatone, Andrei Tarkovsky and Haruki Murakami. Performing live, Dana is occasionally joined by Ski Taylor on Rhodes piano and Moog.

The “Stuntman and Psychic” EP was stitched together with various found sounds, junk tech, digital love and circuit bent kung fu. Listen late at night with headphones on.


1 You Are More Than Machine
2 The Queen
3 Stuntman and Psychic

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