Label: Cyan Music
Catalog#: CYAN081
Genre, Style: Ambient
Release Date: 2017-10-22


1. Frogs and toads (Hipnotic Swamp Choir) – 02:51
2. Snails caravan (Snails down the mountain dragonflys spov) – 06:45
3. Mosquitos trip on train (Green train mix) – 10:56
4. Geckos tangled trip (on a confused turtle) – 07:36
5. Slugs caravan (Caravan is approaching) – 11:06
6. Spiders trip (Ice desert Part 1) – 08:04
7. Spiders trip (Ice desert Part 2) – 06:10
8. Climbing leaf (Hipnotic petalum) – 10:12

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