Label: Ionosonde Recordings
Catalog#: iono-21
Genre, Style: Dub Techno
Release Date: April 2016
ЦитатаThrough out time man has created and distorted himself and his surroundings. Just like the changing of the seasons with it’s inherent death and rebirth cycles, we are only to connected to this through observation and practice. Like a story being played out in front of us, we face it’s harsh realities all the time. The one who is at the center of this epic story is the one we call “The Green Man”. The king of rebirth and death is symbolized by a leafy skinned man. Having cast away into a deep slumber in autumn – only to rise again in spring. Green Man is waking up his kingdom with dubly sounds.
Telegraphy shares with us his deep connection with the natural world with awakening beats and atmospheric vibes. Just in time for spring.
01: Saturday Outing In Spring 6:19
02: Birch Tap 8:38
03: Discussing Life With Green Man 7:40
04: Detroit Terminal 6:35
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