Label: Kahvi Collective
Catalog#: #376
Genre, Style: IDM, Ambient
Release Date: Nov 16, 2016
Country: Finland
Info: A curiously named guest artist again for October. Vinze is dead could be the sign of depression or sentimentality, and the 12 track album ‘Corse1993’ twists and turns in all directions, giving you a nostalgic vibe similar to Boards of Canada, with subtle sounds your ears yearn to hear, to detailed drum tracks – nothing too heavy, just delicate percussion to complement the otherwise sublime tracks.
Perfect for that autumn afternoon in the last of the warm sunny days, or enjoying the crisp approaching winter (as we do here in Finland). All tracks have some great feelings and warmth, but a couple stand out for this fan: Veshangree (very BOC influenced) and Theme from pursuit of happiness which reminds me of ‘Nannou’ by Aphex Twin.
1. Death Throes 01:42
2. Moonlight Recorder (Kahvi Edit) 02:48
3. Veshangree 03:24
4. Caresses 00:57
5. As usual She left 02:24
6. Annexagone (What runs away never returns) 04:24
7. Pylône 03:05
8. Life must end at 30 03:30
9. Theme from pursuit of happiness 01:24
10. Elie and Enoch 01:24
11. Split the elements 04:59
12. An endless conversation 03:24
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