Label: United Studios Corporation
Catalog#: USC-WR-1710.0381
Genre, Style: Ambient, Modern Classical
Release Date: October 04, 2017
Info: Sputnik-1 is a symbol of the embodiment of a dream into reality. When all the forces are thrown at its achievement, despite the pressure of circumstances, despite the internal turmoil in the people and the country. In 60 years after this event, we can only feel the echoes of the former glory and aspirations, but even this fills us with pride for our people, the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation, no matter what side events have marred this milestone in history. This is the main focus of our collection.
01. Volex Tagamine – Overture: Ascent (4:40)
02. HuNTTeRR – Disco-Droids (3:44)
03. Irida – Dzhanibekov Effect (5:15)
04. Tenth Cloud – Sputnik (5:28)
05. Alexander Nelipa – Vacuum Misery (5:18)
06. Stark’s Pond – Encounter in Open Space (5:20)
07. Marcus Denight – Ghostly Companion (7:18)
08. Diytronic – Once Upon an Autumn (2:33)
09. Lost Radiance – That Seems Remote (11:00)
10. I ov U – New Year Surprise (4:44)
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